Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Burn Baby Burn!

2010 is the year of changes in the Harris household.  We decided at the end of last year to make 2010 the year that we were gonna get healthy.  There was no doubt in our minds that we had put on the pounds and were having more and more difficulty keeping up with all the things we had in queue.  From performing, to painting, to loading and unloading, to just basic everyday activities, we were out of shape!

So we began our research at the local Barnes and Noble, looking for a little bit of guidance to get us a jump start on our new life.  I'm not sure if you've ever browsed the shelves at Barnes and Noble looking for health books, but they span at least 4 sections.  There are books on the South Beach diet, Atkins diet, liquid diets, master cleanses, and hundreds more in the category of get-slim-quick.  Nothing that we were really looking for since we wanted a lifestyle change to be healthy.  We wanted something that would helps us pick the right foods and exercise programs for our bodies (you have to remember that not everyone is the same) that would have a lasting effect.  Something that we could keep up for a long time.  Again, we found very little and left Barnes and Noble wondering what in the world we should be doing.

From friends and late-night infomercials, we had heard about a workout set that came in the form of DVD's.  I'm pretty sure that you've all heard of P90X.  Most people have one reaction to the workout, and that's "Holy crap! That stuff is so hard! I gave up after about 10 minutes."  But, since my husband and I are mildly competitive and always enjoy a challenge, we started our Craigslist hunt for a used set. Funny enough, there are dozens of these DVD sets available, many unopened.  We started out doing just the 45 minute Cardio X DVD, and found that though it was really difficult (I mean come on...we were out of shape!) we actually enjoyed it.  Slowly we added in the Kenpo X, and when we really felt ambitious: the Ab Ripper.  Again, it was difficult, but because January through April involves a lot of traveling, it was about all we could do.

Now insert healthy eating.  Harris, my husband, cut out fried foods, fast food, and tons of processed food.  I became a pescatarian, which means that I'm a vegetarian that eats seafood (mostly fresh fish), and cut out all soda and sweets.  There was a huge change in our physical appearance just from a small amount of working out 5 days a week and eating healthier than we had before.  By mid-February, I had lost about 5 pounds.  (My goal is closer to 50).  So we knew that we were on the right track, just needed to amp it up.

In March, we joined forces with a personal trainer named Michael Tugo.  He owns a studio in Green Hills called Body Sculpting.  This is when the real magic started to happen!  He challenged us to cut out diary, eat tons more greens, more protein for my husband, and no carbonation.  The less food was processed, the better.  We would be in the gym for at least an hour with him 3 days a week lifting weights and challenging our bodies.  On our free days, we were encouraged to do cardio for at least 30 minutes.  In the first 4 weeks, I lost 8 pounds.  I was stoked!  With the lack of dairy in my body and working really hard in the gym, I was feeling lighter and full of energy. We worked hard for 90 days, all the while touring.

Today, I have lost 20 pounds and 2 pants sizes.  I know that I still have a lot of hard work ahead of me, but it's doable and totally worth it!  Just looking at pictures of me from 90 days ago, it's hard to believe how bad and puffy I looked!  I had no idea! But again, I am hopeful and looking forward to what the next 90 days have in store for me!  If you think that there's some sort of "magic pill" that will make you lose weight, you're partially right.  There are thousands of "quick fix" diets that are just that: a quick fix.  They have no lasting power and will not make you a healthy person.  You can't eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and not exercise, and still think that you're going to lose weight.  It takes hard work.  It takes focus.  It takes a lifestyle change and willpower.  I know that I feel better right now then I have in years.  And I am enjoying my life all the more!

Burn, baby burn!

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