Monday, June 28, 2010

Would you risk it for $22 Billion?

I'm really not a blogger.  At least that's what I sometimes tell myself as I begin to organize my thoughts on my Apple iBook. (I'm old school...for now)  The process looks something like this:

1. Get a thought that just kinda sticks in my head.
2. Say to myself, "you should blog about that".
3. Sit down and get about 2-3 paragraphs down.
4. Second-guess my writing skills and wonder if I'm completely wacko for even thinking that someone would be interested in what's going on my head. (it's a jungle in there)
5. Stop writing and leave the draft on my laptop to finish when I become "inspired".
6. Never finish the blog.
7. Tell myself that I'm really not a blogger.
8. Drown my sorrows in a container of raspberry chocolate chunk ice cream

To help you understand how debilitating my blog-phobia is, I just deleted about 30 drafts from my post listings that I'd started and never finished. Not gonna lie, it felt a little depressing and I began wondering "am I really cut out for this whole blogging thing"?   I want to be good at it.  I Twitter all the time! (sorry for all those of you out there who hate following my seemingly meaningless tweets about going to bed or being at the pool. Some people just really want to know!)

As I was brooding about all of the thoughts that I had never managed to complete, I stumbled across an article on about a man named Ron Wayne. Now, if you haven't read this story in it's entirety, I suggest that you do so here :  Mr. Wayne is 76 years old and at one point, was one of the three original founders of Apple. In the beggining, he owned 10% of the company alongside the more popular, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.  He was quick on his feet, gave answers readily, and knew what he was doing. There was one catch, however.  Mr Wayne had a fear that he would acquire lots of debt if the company didn't make it.  He knew that they were up against a few competitors (such as Microsoft) and wasn't interested in a "rough ride". So, with that mindset of fear, he left the company for $800 eleven days after Apple was formed.  Today, his 10% equity would put his net worth at over $22 billion dollars. Yes....I said billion.  He gave it all up out of fear.  Didn't think that he could cut it.  Didn't think that it would be worth it.  Was afraid of the consequences from his past businesses re-playing in this business.  If only he had known what the outcome of Apple, Inc. would be.  If only he had taken a little bit of risk.  Today, Mr. Wayne has all of his money tied up in his coin and stamp collections.  That's it.  He plays the slots in local Nevada casinos hoping to "strike it rich".  If only....

As I read this, I couldn't believe it!  A man had given up 10% of his holding in one of the biggest companies in the world for a mere $800!!  Was he nuts!?  But he couldn't have known that Apple was going to be huge one day.  He didn't know that a little bit of risk would go a long way.  He had done exactly as I had done with my blogging; he had sat down and began to write a story, only to abandon it shortly after it began.  He became afraid, just as I had, that he didn't really have what it took.  

I, however, am willing to risk it.  Let's not kid ourselves...we all know that there's no $22 billion that will come about from having a small blog with 5-6 followers.  But who cares?  It's about taking the risk and putting yourself out there in the first place that really matters.  It's about recognizing what you're good at and what you love and just doing it!  It's about not worrying and running the race as it was meant to be run, not giving up after the first mile or 2 because it's too hard. Just let it go and be yourself. (now I'm sounding like a guru)  

To be totally honest, I don't even care if no one ever reads my blog.  (And I am, by blogging standards, nobody) It's something that I need to do for me.  And if people follow along, then so be it.  :)


  1. Umm... I read your blog. And I enjoy it.

  2. AJ, it sure does help that you have all sorts of time on your hands while you're waiting to announce the next song in the Top 20 Countdown.... :) Just kidding! Thanks for reading it and I'm glad that you enjoy!
