Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One of Those Months

I know that it's been a while since I've been here to blog, it's definitely something that I have to really work at. I'm much better at micro-blogging on Twitter or reading other peoples' blogs. But I have a few things that I'd like to give people a heads-up on.

For anyone who reads my husbands' blog (, this first little bit isn't going to surprise you. At the end of May, my husband and I found out that our 6 week tour to Thailand in July and part of August had been cancelled due to all of the government protesting and violence that had sprung up over the last couple of months. The small nation went into a state of emergency and began enforcing curfews and suggesting to foreigners not to travel to their country. Public gatherings were also suspended until further notice, which meant that we were not going to be able to hold any shows. Because we found out at the last second, (everyone was hoping that it would be okay and we would be able to come over), we were left with a vacant July and a partially vacant August. No income. Now, I don't know about what kind of jobs you all have, but if you take an unpaid leave of absence for 6 weeks with no other form of income, you might begin to panic when you realize that none of your bills are going to be paid. Welcome to our current state.

Now, all this being said, here's what we've been doing since finding out: we've been racking our brains in an attempt to come up with the money to pay our bills (which we have both personal and business since we are self-employed) for the month of July. It sounds like a lot, but our bills for both exceed $8000. Some of our income in June will carry over, but because of some recent big expenses with our travel vehicle (it keeps breaking down), we don't have as much in the bank. My husband has been on the phone with tons of people looking for ways that we offer our talents to both churches as well as locally to theaters. I have been busy fulfilling art commissions and getting updated photos online.

Because we work together 12 months out of the year, we would consider doing nothing less than that same thing right now. So we have split up the income so that we can carry this burden together. Normally I am able to sell art when people are interested in it and come to me. This next month is going to be a little different. I am taking a step to expedite the sale of art by offering everything that I currently have as inventory as well as commissions at a 20% discount. This offer is only good for the month of July. That being said, please check out my Facebook fan page for updated photos of everything that I have. My goal is to bring in $4000 in July. That's all. I am willing to take commissions, sell what I currently have, or duplicate if possible. If you aren't interested in art for yourself, I encourage you to tell your friends and family and pass on the info to them. The more people that can see it, the better.

So please take a look at my fan page on Facebook at Check the photo albums for pictures and pricing. If you find yourself interested, you can either message me directly on Facebook, or email me at   Your support in this time of need would be greatly appreciated, and know that we aren't asking for a handout...we are working hard for it!

Here are a few of the most popular pieces that I have just to give you an idea:

"Vintage Piano"
normally $595
now $475

normally $895
now $715

normally "595
now $475

normally $400
now $320


  1. Kate, it was so good to meet you at the Myrtle Beach Oasis camp a few weeks ago. I've enjoyed following you guys's ministry.

    I know finances are tough when you are self-employed and there is no guarantee of a consistent paycheck. We live like that too. I will specifically pray for divine intervention over your finances. We are in that same boat. Our August is looking like your July. But God is always faithful. Excited to see how He provides for ya'll!

  2. It was so great to meet you too! Thanks for the's nice to know that there are a few of us out there who are all in the same boat at one point or another. I guess it's what helps keep us focused that we don't do what we do for money or fame. Just God. Hope that you guys are well and we will be praying for your August!
