Friday, August 13, 2010

Taking Time To Smell The Coffee

There are few things that I love more than quiet mornings with a book , blanket, and a cup of coffee.  Even better if it's raining.  Because of my crazy life, I find these times alone few and far between.  And necessary.

The stillness of the morning makes the loudness in my head that is business, projects, frustrations, and conversations, amplify. I am forced to finally sit down and hear their painful cries for attention.

My life is full of noise.  There are people and projects that are constantly clambering for my undivided attention.  Deadlines are knocking and everyone needs something.  Even when I'm on the road with my husband, there is always something that's needing to be done.  It's not uncommon to find myself completely overwhelmed to the point of a meltdown because I just can't handle it anymore.  The noise is deafening.

When I get to that point-of-no-return, I often wonder how I allowed myself to get there.  Again.  But, I realize that it's because I didn't take the time to be reflective and clear my head.  You know...sit down alone and write, think, pray, or talk to a friend.  We get so caught-up in "doing" that we forget what it's like to just be.  It's almost as if we are afraid of what we might think about from a painful past, or what we'll feel if we sit still longer than a few seconds.  We pull out our computers and phones, wondering what we're missing out on.  We remain distracted from reality, creating a disconnect in our hearts and minds. We become numb and start to coast through life.

Distractions are too easy.  And they leave us lonely and frustrated in the end.

What distractions do you have?

What are you missing out on because you're too busy?  

We need to silence the noise and instead take the time to smell the proverbial coffee.

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