Thursday, April 1, 2010

Being Healthy

It's officially been 1 week since I entered the gym.  To say that I feel completely at home there is an understatement.  I love to learn, therefore, all the training that I have been getting has been a learning experience and I am soaking it up.  It's amazing.  I have been going almost every day (I train 3 days a week) trying to squeeze in extra workouts.  It's become kind of addicting....and yes, I know it's the gym.

But I realized something while walking up what seemed like 200 flights of stairs on the stairmaster.  I realized that I need more positive environments in my life.  Thy gym that I go to is full of positive energy that propels you forward, sometimes without you even realizing it.  Every person in there wants to be there and wants to be healthy.  And they want others that walk through that door to experience the same things that are.  Strength, flexibility, endurance.  In total, a better way of life.  One that makes their days brighter and puts a bounce in their step.

Why is it that I feel this in the gym surrounded by people I barely know?  Why do they encourage me and push me to do better and vie for a healthy lifestyle?  It doesn't do anything for them to do all these things.

I guess the question that I'm getting at is why do I feel all these amazing things in the gym that I should feel when I go to church...but I don't?  Walking into a building on Sunday filled with people who are "Christians" leaves me walking out frustrated and disillusioned.  I don't have that same bounce in my step.  That same sense of encouragement for a "healthy" life.  Those people who are encouraging and love well are becoming more rare daily.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying that those people don't exist in the Church.  I'm just saying that they are rare.  Why is that?  Have we gotten so caught up in the "doing"that we're doing little more then just going through the motions even if those motions are hurting more then helping?

Our trainer in the gym has brought a love for the gym into our lives because he has spent the last 2 weeks really training us.  Showing us how to maximize our gym time by doing everything correctly.  More then once I found myself in awe of just how much I had been doing wrong!  And he lovingly and gently guided us.  And I can tell the difference.

My life is far from perfect.  I am a broken and sinful human being who's no better then anyone else.  But I want to experience the same things that I do when I walk into the gym.  I want to experience health.  I want the church to be the place that people would want to come back to despite the bad and difficult reputation that it has.  Can we do that?

1 comment:

  1. Natalie TarpenningJuly 9, 2012 at 2:39 AM

    One step at a time together, we can.I'm thirteen and I just discovered your blog. Even us youth see the need for a change in the church. It is supposed to be a place of love but lately it has become.........a building? The church is NOT a building!! It is us! Glad I found your blog Kate.I read your husbands and you to are, by far the most awe -inspiring couple I have ever met.And your blog is good.It does matter! Just thought you should hear that because even if it doesn't matter to anyone else...(not saying that it doesn't) matters to ME!!!
