Sunday, March 21, 2010

that "blogging" thing

So here I am.  Trying (hopefully not in another failed attempt) to start a blog.  Not because it's just one more avenue for people to stalk my life, but because there are so many times that I've found myself wanting to tell people something that would take more then 140 characters on Twitter, and I have no real outlet.  Because I travel full time, I am sharing my life not at home with friends and family, but chasing pavement with my husband and chihuahua.  So this is seemed like a great way for me to be able to sit down in our nightly hotel somewhere in the world and chit chat with those who are interested in the details.  And maybe a way for me to feel a sense of "normal" in my whirlwind life.

So, that being said, here is my 3rd attempt at the blogging world.  :)


  1. you can do it :) i would love to hear bits and pieces from your crazy life!

  2. hahahaha Thanks Mindy!! I know that it's not much, but when you see and experience certain things, you just HAVE to write about them! I love following your blog as well! Keep up the amazing work!

  3. glad your here :) blogging is fun !!
