We recently performed a show for an audience that could have cared less that we were there. Granted it was for a Christian sports league end-of-the-year event, they were beyond the normal excited and rowdy. Both kids and adults alike spent the show talking to each other, running around, texting on their phones, and actually yelling things at us while we performed. What’s unfortunate for this audience was that we had been with them several years earlier and remembered it being the same way. People were distracted and rude throughout the whole hour, making us just want to throw in the towel and walk off the stage in defeat. However, we aren’t those kind of performers, and we finished our hour off with tons of energy and positivity. We weren’t going to let one show get us down.
Once I entered the lobby to head to our merchandise table, it only got worse. The comments from parents both directly and indirectly went like this:
“Oh you guys were great...the kids just loved you”
“You should come in for our pre-school”
“No Audrey...you don’t need anymore junk to play with”
“I am not buying you cheap crap”
“So, how many people have you suckered into buying some of this junk?”
I’m not exaggerating. We get this stuff all the time. Parents opening their mouths, oftentimes out of ignorance and with good intentions, taking all of the wind out of our sails. It makes us feel insignificant and like we’re trying to steal from them.
Let me make something very clear: When you, as parents, talk on your phone, text, and generally have complete lack of care during an event, your kids will follow suit. You show them that when they are in a church setting, hearing about Jesus, that it is no more important than your Twitter and Facebook account. You are an example and your kids will follow your lead.
When you come up to us after a show and call our resources “cheap crap” and wonder how many people have been “suckered into buying some of this junk”, to be completely blunt, you’re being a jerk. Think about the words that you’re saying and if you would want someone to say that about anything that you have or sell. You’re not being funny and it’s a huge slap in the face to us who are trying to serve you and your family by making things available that are both inexpensive and clean. If you don’t want to buy anything, be an adult and say “no” to your child. We don’t mind if you aren’t interested. Just keep your comments to yourself.
I am fully aware that there will be people who will read this and think they are different. That their church is different. Trust me...it’s pretty much the same experience all the way across the board. Churches, in my opinion, are some of the most disrespectful and frustrating places to perform, and they are called to be more. Maybe you’ll just be mad at me. Go ahead and be mad. I’m being honest and letting you know that it’s rare to be treated well in church settings. And I’m tired of being the dumping ground for ignorance.
It’s time to grow up people. It’s time to be the church instead of no different from the world around you.